Language of Markets will be observing Martin Luther King Day. There will be no Live Session on Monday, January 20th. Sessions will resume on Friday, January 24th. Have a great long weekend.
Language of Markets will be observing Martin Luther King Day. There will be no Live Session on Monday, January 20th. Sessions will resume on Friday, January 24th. Have a great long weekend.

Learning To Be Wrong

Effective trading is not about trying to be right on each trade, it’s about being fluid in an everchanging market. When we approach each trade trying not to be wrong, there is a layer of fear that clouds how we see things and effects our every decision.

This video is a Clip From one of our Live Sessions where I talk about consciously practicing with being wrong while demonstrating on a live USD/JPY market. I give a practice exercise to loosen up this aversion. As traders, we are going to be wrong a lot so its best to dispell the shame of it so we can approach each trade with more clarity.