All Median Line sets describe the process of a swing cycle. The Reverse Median Line set starts where this swing cycle process ends. In this video, I show how to draw it and the main 2 purposes for drawing it, to capture the “try” trade, or to use it as a center-line.
Andrews Median Line Tools
Andrews Median Lines: Five Basic Rules
In the previous Andrews Median Line post I described the various types of Median Line sets and the principles behind them. In this post, I will go over the 5 basic rules Andrews gave as to how price can interact with a Medina Line set. The rules apply to any Median Line set, in any instrument, and in any timeframe. It’s easy to get glazed over and get confused when looking at the original Andrews material but Iets look with some simple common sense and in the light of what buyers/sellers are doing.
There is a high probability that:
- Prices will reach the latest ML
- Prices will either reverse on meeting the ML or gap through it
- When prices pass through the ML, they will pull back to it
- When prices reverse before reaching the ML, leaving a “space”, they will move more in the opposite direction than when prices were rising toward the ML.
- Prices reverse at any ML or extension of a prior ML.
Andrews Median Line Tools: Standard ML Set And The Pullback ML.
I’m going to do a basic series on the Andrews Median Line tools we use. We will start with the standard Median Line set and then make the distinction for a pullback Median line set. Our objective is to see what Allan Andrews saw, not mimic him. We want to use our tools and not be used by them. Everything is about zoom retest, price going out to an extreme eliciting trader’s impulses, and then coming back eliciting trader’s impulses the other way. This is why most traders throughout history are on the wrong side of the market most of the time.